Greetings Families!
We are almost done with week 2 and it has been an absolute joy to learn more about each student and how our interactions in class have been forming a new beginning as we continue our school year together. This has been a wonderful start and will continue to be a wonderful year. As always, below you will find a few important reminders and notes as to what you can ask your student about in the coming week.
Dismissal Reminder: If your child is going home with a friend, you MUST update PikMyKid for that day by 2:00 p.m. and email the front office ([email protected]) and your child’s teacher.
Computer Permission: Please register and create an Enroll ease account here. Enroll ease is now the software platform ABS will use to collect all pertinent student information to prepare and plan for the school year. Once you register and create an account, click here to log in. Once you log in, please fill out the 2023-24 Required Student Form for each of your children who attend the Arts-Based School. Please complete this task ASAP. Enroll ease also has each student's computer access form. Please make sure to have this complete for each of your children as they will not be able to use our classroom laptops until the school has their individual forms.
Math: We have begun our review of multiples and factors and how they help us understand new forms of solving mathematical equations. We have also started to learn new concepts such as numbers raised to an "X" power and how to solve a GEMDAS equation. We are becoming experts in our use of vocabulary with prime and composite numbers, even and odd numbers, and rows and columns.
ELA: Students are loving our read-aloud, Front Desk, by Kelly Yang. As we read, and eat snacks, we are making connections to our own lives and loving the figurative language in the book.
In our reading workshop, we have looked at how making connections to photos and text helps us understand more of what is happening in a photo or short story. This will build into our work next week of finding main ideas and details in the books we are reading, both fiction and non-fiction. We will also begin to look at simple sentence structure to help build our confidence and understanding as we progress towards our first writing piece, personal narrative.
Social Studies: Students have been exploring the Native American tribes across North America, how they adapted to their environment/regions, and what natural resources they had available to them based on their locations. We continue to build on this understanding as we look into the five regions that compose our United States.
Science: We have developed a strong understanding of what it means to make observations and inferences. They had a blast as they put their minds to the test with our "Dr. Zargle" lab, where they had to make an educated guess as to what was in a film canister using weight, magnetic properties, and sound. We will continue using these skills with our first unit where we explore ecosystems, biomes, abiotic and biotic factors, and food chains/webs.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please let me know.
Ms. Monique Johnson