ABS Thursday Notes- February 27, 2025

Published for the Arts Based School Community

February 27, 2025


Spring Break!  No School March 10-14

Calendar Note: March 7 is a full day of school



How We Do It and Why

By Mary Siebert, Retired Founding Arts Director


“Photographs open doors into the past, but they also allow a look into the future.” -Sally Mann


The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting sponsors independent journalists covering under-reported global issues. The organization engages students in learning about both the topics and the journalists. For several years, our 8th grade students have worked with local guest artist Diana Greene in conjunction with the Pulitzer Center, on a portrait project titled Traces of Myself. This project began last week. 


As with all of Ms. Greene’s work, each step is well crafted, beautifully anticipating the next. The assignments provide students with valuable technology skills that they will use as they grow, while immersing them in powerful art. Finally, they are empowered and inspired to make their own, self-expressive artwork. There is intense focus and concentration, as students considered the portrait work of five award winning photographers: Platon, Annie Leibovitz, LaToya Ruby Frazier, JR, and Vivian Maier. There were guidelines for creating an elegantly constructed PowerPoint, and students researched in groups and commented on what they learned, observing what makes a photograph powerful, and recording it in a presentation.


Eventually, they will move on to examine the work of Pulitzer Center artist and photojournalist Daniella Zalcman and her blended photo techniques. In particular, they are introduced to Zalcman’s collection: Signs of Your Identity, a moving representation of Indigenous People of Canada, who recall their childhood years when they were forced to leave their families and live at schools intended to bring about assimilation into Canadian culture. Through this study, students learn about both the history of Indigenous people and new techniques for the art of portraiture. 


In the photos representing these Indigenous people, Ms. Zalcman superimposes, over a photo of the individual, additional photos of places and objects that represent who the subjects of the photos were, and who they have become. 


To document who they themselves are, and what influences ABS has had on them, students will then work with partners to create a formal self-portrait, beginning with a photograph of themselves. They then take photos of favorite places and objects around the ABS campus, and they learn how to superimpose and digitally blend these photos artfully over and within their portrait. They write about their choices of settings and what inspired them. Technology and writing skills, along with photography and self-expression, all are incorporated into a project that fully engages students in quality work.


The intriguing and enchanting final pieces will be displayed at 8th grade graduation; a keepsake for the students and their families. 



Cycling at The Arts Based School!

We’re thrilled to announce that the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program is rolling into our PE classes from February 19 – March 7, 2025. Thanks to our partnership with the National Cycling Center (NCC), our fifth-grade students will have the opportunity to develop essential bike-handling skills and learn about bicycle safety in a fun and engaging way with Coach Bri and a trailer of bikes, one for each kid!

Why Cycling?
Cycling is a lifelong sport that promotes both physical and mental well-being. By encouraging students to ride, we’re giving them a skill that can serve them for years to come. Whether they bike to school, for exercise, or just for fun, these lessons will help build confidence and safe riding habits.

We’re excited to see our students build confidence, learn essential road safety skills, and most importantly—have fun on two wheels!   

Spring Break Film Camp! Make-A-Movie, March 10-12

Grades 5 - 8

This three-day camp is sure to make spring break creative and fun! Students will learn the basics of acting in front of the camera but also the work that goes into being behind the lens of the camera. Students will create a short film by the end of the camp using a green screen, their own script and storyboard, props, and of course acting.


Sign up: https://go.asapconnected.com/?org=5375#CourseGroupID=61740

March 10, 11 + 12th 9am-2pm



2025 ABS Summer Camps

New and exciting camps are in for this upcoming summer! Registration is now OPEN for Summer Camps. Please follow the link below to view all of our amazing camps and register today! Click on the description of the camp that you would like to register for and fill out the Google Form. Invoices will be sent in the coming weeks following registration to secure your spots! Check out the FAQ at the bottom of the flier for important information!
2025 Summer Camp Registration

 Contact Ashley Tate at [email protected] with any questions.  


National School Lunch Program at ABS-Delayed

We are still waiting to hear back from the State about our start date for the NSLP.  Please continue to complete forms so when we get approval, you’ll be ready to go.  

For those who have already completed forms, you will receive a confirmation email from Titan School Solutions.


We’re excited to announce that The Arts Based School is joining the National School Lunch Program! This will replace mymealorder.com, but we’ll continue working with Goodness Gracious for catering.

Free & Reduced Meal Applications opened Feb 10 and should be completed by March 1 through LINQ Connect (no account needed). Simply search for "Arts Based School" and enter your student’s details.

With LINQ Connect, parents can:
✅ Apply for free/reduced meals
✅ Make online payments (service charge applies)
✅ Set up auto-pay & low balance alerts

Questions? Contact [email protected].



ABS Yearbook

Here is the link for online ordering for the ABS Yearbook.

Deadline for ordering  is March 31st. Yearbooks are $30.00 and will be hardcover this year.



Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather, ABS will announce school closings and remote learning days on local TV channels, under “The Arts Based School”.  This information will also be posted on the ABS website (www.artsbasedschool.com).



