ABS Thursday Notes- February 20, 2025


Published for the Arts Based School Community

February 20, 2025


Remote Learning days…

Winter is back this week, bringing a flurry of snow and icy winds. While the weather outside may be frosty, learning continues from the warmth of home!  

A big thank you to our students, parents, and teachers for smoothly transitioning to remote learning yesterday and today. Stay cozy, stay safe, and enjoy the winter wonderland outside your window! 

Here are a few reminders about remote learning days:

  • Attendance: Students will be marked present if they log into their online assignments (Google Classroom, IXL, etc.) or complete assigned packet work. Attendance will be recorded in PowerSchool using the “1R” designation for Remote Learning.
  • Assignments and Communication: Teachers will email families by 8:15 a.m. on the morning of a remote learning day with instructions and assignments. Remote learning tasks will focus on core academics, and specialist teachers are not required to provide additional assignments.

  • For Families with EC Students: Packet work, IXL, or additional time in future sessions may be used to make up missed instructional time based on the student’s IEP.

  • Staff Expectations: Faculty and staff will use remote learning days as remote workdays. 



2025 ABS Summer Camps

New and exciting camps are in for this upcoming summer! Registration is now OPEN for Summer Camps. Please follow the link below to view all of our amazing camps and register today! Click on the description of the camp that you would like to register for and fill out the Google Form. Invoices will be sent in the coming weeks following registration to secure your spots! Check out the FAQ at the bottom of the flier for important information!
2025 Summer Camp Registration

 Contact Ashley Tate at [email protected] with any questions.  


Calling All Artists…

“100 for 100” is one element of our Spring Fundraiser Community Creates!  We ask 100 local artists to each create an original work of art on the provided 8x10 canvas.  The only guidance being the idea of “community”. Each artist is encouraged to explore the theme in any way they are inspired.

On May 3, 2025 each of our 100 (unsigned) canvases will be displayed at the Arts Based School Community Creates! Fundraising event.

ABS is proud to provide affordable, accessible original works of art to the Winston-Salem community while raising $10,000 for the school.

All works should be signed and dated only on the backs of the canvas.  Patrons will purchase pieces based on their connection to the work and not the perceived value of the artist.

All canvases must be completed and returned to ABS by post or in person no later than

April 25, 2025

If you know of a local artist (or are one yourself)  who would like to participate, please pick up 8 x 10 canvas in the school’s front office.


National School Lunch Program at ABS

We’re excited to announce that The Arts Based School is joining the National School Lunch Program! This will replace mymealorder.com, but we’ll continue working with Goodness Gracious for catering.

Free & Reduced Meal Applications opened Feb 10 and should be completed by March 1 through LINQ Connect (no account needed). Simply search for "Arts Based School" and enter your student’s details.

With LINQ Connect, parents can:
✅ Apply for free/reduced meals
✅ Make online payments (service charge applies)
✅ Set up auto-pay & low balance alerts

Questions? Contact [email protected].



Congrats to Austin!

Congratulations to Austin Beckwith (6th grade) on being selected as part of the Piedmont Honor Band! Through Austin’s  hard work and dedication in his first year of playing the trumpet he has earned a position in the concert band. Austin will prepare and perform with the Piedmont Honor Band this March at Glenn high school. 


News from Parent Council

PC meeting recording.-Thursday, Feb 13 in case you  missed it!  ABS PC Meeting Minutes 02/13/2025


ABS Fundraiser-Community Creates! May 3rd

Enjoy a night of fantastic art, a 100 for $100 drawing, silent and live auctions, and delicious food and drink!   Save the date: Saturday, May 3rd, 7–11 PM!

Want to get involved?
Become a Sponsor – Advertise for your company or business…Contact Ellen Coble [email protected] Sponsorship Package info
Submit Artwork or Volunteer – Contact Robin Hollis [email protected]

or  Volunteer Signup Here


Parent Satisfaction Survey

Only one week left to add your voice to the 2025 Parent Satisfaction Survey.  We want to know what you think! Please follow the link ABS Parent Survey to  a 10-question online survey about our school. Your responses are completely anonymous and help us determine what's working well and what needs more work! Please take a few minutes to complete and submit. Thank you!


ABS Yearbook

Here is the link for online ordering for the ABS Yearbook.

Deadline for ordering  is March 31st. Yearbooks are $30.00 and will be hardcover this year.



Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather, ABS will announce school closings and remote learning days on local TV channels, under “The Arts Based School”.  This information will also be posted on the ABS website (www.artsbasedschool.com).
