ABS Thursday Notes- August 1, 2024

Published for the Arts Based School Community

August 1, 2024

First Day of School - Monday, August 12  (Staggered entry for Kindergarten)


A+ Training for Teachers

  This week our faculty attended the A+ Summer Conference in Winston-Salem, where fresh ideas for effective arts integration are shared, developed, and honed. ABS is beginning our twentieth year as a member of “A+ Schools of North Carolina,” a signature program of the NC Arts Council, an agency of the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.  A+ originated in Winston-Salem as an experimental project supported by the Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts.

  The A+ organization defines itself asa whole-school reform model that views the arts as fundamental to teaching and learning in all subjects. A+ Schools combine interdisciplinary teaching and daily arts instruction, offering children opportunities to develop creative, innovative ways of thinking, learning and showing what they know. In A+ Schools, teaching the state’s mandated curriculum involves a collaborative, many-disciplined approach, with the arts continuously woven into every aspect of a child’s learning.”

  Our school developed independently and unaware of the A+ network, until we discovered their parallel values and goals, and joined them in the summer of our third year of operations. Now, we have built friendships and relationships that buoy and inspire us, and we benefit from our membership via staff development, visits from A+ Fellows, meetings, and on-line connections with like-minded educators. We also provide tours for schools who are considering joining the network, so they can see a model of arts integration. With Other A+ teachers, we sing and dance and draw and improvise. We examine state standards in other subjects such as math, science, language arts, and social studies, and we investigate new ways to help kids discover the connections between and among them all. A+ always alerts us to upcoming changes in curricular expectations from the state, and their team of energetic, creative experts make suggestions for arts connections that we can use as springboards to new goals.

To learn more about the A+ Schools organization, visit https://aplus-schools.ncdcr.gov/about   

Helpful Links and Reminders:

  • Who is my student’s teacher? What supplies do we need? You can find class lists, supply lists, and class pages behind our parent portal, on this page.

  • Have you filled out your required student form in Enrollease? Please complete these ASAP! More details below.

  • Please register in HelpCounter to keep track of your hours and learn about opportunities to support your class and school.  More information below.

ABS Parent Workdays August 2, 9am-12noon-HELP!

Help us move get ready for a new school year!   We'll be moving furniture, distributing materials, assembling furniture, and so much more at both North and South campus! Please join us, and let us know you’re coming by to help!  You get double hours credit for these days!  Sign up here so we know how many to expect!  Thanks!



   This year we will be tracking volunteer hours using the HelpCounter system.  Please create your account.  We’ll use this system to let you know about volunteer opportunities, send reminders, and check in visitors on campus.  There will be a kiosk to sign in at the front offices but you can also log hours from home.

Class Representatives Needed

Each classroom should have a Classroom Representative that will coordinate with their teacher to communicate needs to the classroom. Parent Council will work with you to make sure that you have all of the information and support that you need. Main responsibilities include:

  • Coordinating class-specific volunteer efforts and classroom needs
  • Coordinating parent volunteers for Book Fair, Fall Fest and Field Day
  • Coordinating any hospitality events (Teacher appreciation week, recognizing teacher birthdays, etc.)
  • Communicating information from Parent Council

Classroom Rep Sign Up

Classroom Rep Information Sheet

Please contact Parent Council Classroom Rep Coordinators with any questions. 

Kathleen Stimely, North Campus, [email protected]

Jill Lane, South Campus, [email protected]

Kindergarten Required Forms

Parents of kindergarten students are required to provide the school with a copy of the child’s birth certificate, immunization record, and NC Kindergarten Health Assessment form

ABS Aftercare Program 

We are delighted that you’ve chosen the Arts Based School After School Care Program for your child. We look forward to providing a safe and fun-filled environment where we focus our efforts on the social, emotional, and physical development of your child.

Please review the 2024-2025 Aftercare Handbook and register with the link below. Email Ashley Tate at [email protected] with any questions. 

 2024-2025 Aftercare Handbook 

2024-2025 Aftercare Registration 

ABS Bus Service 

For the 2024-2025 school year, ABS will offer morning and afternoon bus service with dropoff and pickup locations of: Winston Lake YMCA, Hanes Mall, and Sherwood Plaza.  Please review the Bus Guidelines and Information before registering. 

Please contact Mr. Cutts at [email protected] with any questions. 

2024-2025 ABS Bus Registration

ABS Bus Guidelines and Information


School Calendar and Important Dates

The approved 2024-25 school calendar is available here,  on our website, or Student Calendar   Here is a copy of the 2024-25 Parent Student Handbook


Important dates coming up (details below):

  • July 29: New Parent Orientation 
  • Special Visits: August 6 & 7
  • August 12: First Day of School (Staggered Entry dates for Kindergarten)

New Parent Orientation

Thanks for joining us for new parent orientation.  If you were unable to attend, here are the slideshows we used.

New Parent Orientation Slideshow-South Campus

New Parent Orientation Slideshow-North Campus

Special Visits

Educational research shows that the relationship between the student and his or her teacher is one of the most important factors in a student’s academic success.  This critical relationship is enhanced by our small class size and our educators’ commitment to children.  In support of the teacher/student relationship, our teachers will be offering a Special Visit before school begins.  A Special Visit is simply an opportunity for your child to meet his or her teacher in a familiar setting, a chance to learn a bit about the class and what to expect in the coming school year.   This year’s scheduled days for Special Visits are August 6 and 7, 2024.  Your child’s teacher will be contacting you to schedule a 15-20 minute appointment when they return from summer break, after August 1st.


Ways to get involved and learn more about ABS:

  • Follow us on Social Media
  • Catch up on Thursday Notes you may have missed
  • Explore the ABS website
  • Make sure we have best contact information so that you receive all communications


