ABS Thursday Notes- May 23, 2024

Published for the Arts Based School Community

May 23, 2024

Friday, May 24- Early Dismissal-Conference Preparation

  • K-4 Dismiss at 11:45
  • 5-8 Dismiss at 12 noon

Monday, May 27- No School-Memorial Day

How We Do It and Why

by Mary Siebert

We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams. -  Jeremy Irons

Try To Say it in One Breath ...

At the end of each school year, we take a moment to review the many events, trips and arts accomplishments we shared. It’s always an impressive list, and fun to reminisce. This year is extra special, because it finally feels as plump and varied as it did before the pandemic. In your mind’s eye, thumb through this album and remember with delight, appreciation, and wonder! OK, hit it!

New parent orientation, first day of school, 7th visit to WSSU John Biggers murals, K-4 Friday Sings, 2nd-8th Raleigh Rockers Hip Hop shows, 7th visits to SECCA and mural paintings, 3rd Landform Dances, 1st Farmers’ Market Visits, 4th Emerald Hollow Mine, Parents Big Basement Cleanup, 8th Museum of Anthropology WFU, 2nd Performances: American Tapestry, Bookfair, Mr. Bob storytelling with Kindergarten, 3rd Kaleideum, 4th visits from Tina Smith, Museum of Anthropology, WFU, ABS art at the Carolina Classic Fair,  1st Bookmarks author Ashley Belote visit, 8th WFU Theater Dance Event, 8th Lion King Performances at First Pres, 4th Diana Greene “My Inside-Outside Self” photography and writing, 5th Greensboro Science Center, 2nd Mini-Schubert concerts “The Trout”, 7th Pulitzer Fellow Michelle Lotker visit, 5th Cowboys with Mrs. Siebert, 1st Symphony Wind Quintet, 6th Iredell Museum, 4th Guilford Courthouse, 7th-8th walking visits to Ovation Sound, 7th Little Theater A Christmas Carol, 3rd Grade Performances: Renaissance Spectacles, 7th Drama demos for 5th and 6th, 2nd visits to Home Moravian Church Organ, 6th Performances of Math & Science Dances at SECCA, January Jam, 4th Drama games with Mr. Bob, Kindergarten Performances of Peter & the Wolf, 5th Winston-Salem Symphony Concert, 7th Sawtooth Printing Press, 3rd haiku with Mr. Bob, 4th Kaleideum Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony, 5th Performances: Romeo & Juliet on the Border, 7th SECCA visits, Diana Greene Residency with 8th Grade Traces of Myself, 6th High Point University visit, K, 1st, 2nd Fletcher Opera performance, 8th Women’s ACC Basketball Tournament, 3rd Piedmont Environmental Center, 5th International Civil Rights Center, 4th Performances of Like a Family, 8th trip to Raleigh, 4th visit from Griff Morgan, 2nd Minglewood Farm, Kinder and 1st play Last Stop on Market Street, 2nd, 3rd, 4th WSSU’s Burke Singers performance, 1st Visits from Tina Smith, Museum of Anthropology, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Piano Performance Teams, 2nd visits from Mr. Bob, 4th trip to Pilot Mountain, 3rd visits to John Biggers Murals at WSSU, Skate Night, 2nd trips to Pilot Mountain, Kinder, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th - Sullivan Sisters Bluegrass Concert, 7th, 8th Duke Energy Show, 7th Performances of Brundibar at SECCA, 4th trip to Raleigh, 6th band Informances, Kinder, 1st Carnival of the Animals piano performance with Ms. Marti, Mr. Brown, and Carmine Mann, 3rd visit to Cognition, 8th science visit from UNCSA, 6th Historical Videos recordings at Ovation Sound, 1st performances of Great Dragon & the Pearl of Wisdom, Bowling Night, 3rd grade puppets with Mr. Bob, 8th Civil Rights Museum, 4th & 7th Circuit Collaboration,  Kinder Kaleideum visits, Kinder Piedmont Trial Farmers Market, Final Friday Sings, Graduation, Field Day. Whew!

Final Friday Sing Tomorrow

Tomorrow, May 24, both campuses will enjoy a Final Friday Sing at 10:20. This will be outdoors at both campuses, and parents are welcome to attend. 

North campus is K-8 with favorite songs chosen by the graduates, in the 7th Street courtyard.

South campus is K-2 in the playground. 

End of Grade Testing (EOG) Continues

   It’s that time of year again. The flowers are blooming, the days are longer, and the tests are coming! ABS students in grades 3-8 will be taking the North Carolina End-of-Grade tests during the last ten days of school. 

   The North Carolina End-of-Grade Tests are designed to measure student performance on the goals, objectives, and grade-level competencies specified in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. The End-of-Grade tests in reading comprehension and mathematics are administered to students in grades 3-8 as part of the statewide assessment program. End-of-grade tests in science are administered in grades 5 and 8. 

Parents, please help your child do his or her best by following these guidelines:

  • Help your child get 9 hours of sleep throughout the weekend and each night before the test.
  • Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast, including more proteins and fewer carbohydrates.
  • BE ON TIME to school. Rushing around creates anxiety. Latecomers must take a make-up test.
  • Exercise. No couch potatoes, video games, or online junkies the week before.  Go outside and run and play. You will rest better, think better, and feel better.
  • Help them arrive at school with a positive attitude.


Testing Schedule continued

May 24 No Test- Early Dismissal for conference prep

May 27 No School Memorial Day

May 28 EOG Reading 5th -8th grades

May 29 EOG Math 5th -8th grades, Math I EOC

May 30 EOG Reading Make Up Tests & RtA-3rd 

May 31  EOG/EOC Math Make Up Tests

June 3 EOG Science Make Up Tests


EOG results will be shared with parents at the third trimester conferences- June 5-7.


Videos of Performances

You can find videos of this year’s performances at the Family Portal on our website.  We’ve just posted   1st Grade: Great Dragon and the Pearl of Wisdom 2024

Password: Pearl

ABS Yearbooks 

Yearbook pre-orders are coming home today.  If you did not pre-order you will be able to buy one at each campus front desk, beginning May 28. There will be limited availability.

  • Sales will be on a first-come, first-served basis.   We are unable to hold. 
  • Limit of 1 yearbook per transaction to make it fair for everyone that may have forgotten to order.
  • Cost: $25, Cash only

Extra Class pictures are available for purchase, $10 each at the reception desks. You are welcome to call to see if we have a particular class as there are some that don't have extras. Thank you.


The Mary Siebert Legacy Fund

To honor Mary Siebert’s outstanding legacy, her friends are collecting gifts large and small to ensure that Mary’s influence will be felt for years to come in the place where she dedicated so much of herself. All gifts made to the Mary Siebert Legacy Fund will support the resident artist program that bring learning to life at ABS. For more details and to make a gift, please visit this page. 

Teacher Working Conditions Survey

Teaching conditions in schools are important. Whether it’s their relationship to student learning or their strong influence on teacher retention, research from across the nation continues to affirm that the data matters. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the North Carolina State Board of Education have made a sustained commitment to listening to educators and reforming schools to create the working conditions necessary for student and teacher success.   -TWC website


This year's results for ABS are attached.  Keep in mind that District and School results are the same for a charter school.  (We are our own district.) If you're interested in seeing more results from other schools, check out the TWC website.


The School Leadership Team will use this data to look for areas to address for improvement.  Unfortunately, not all of our teaching staff completed the survey, so the information reflects only 60% of teachers.  As we dig into the data, SLT may conduct follow-up surveys to support our work for improvement.

Charter Renewal Site Visit Feedback

Our current charter expires June 30, 2025.   The self-assessment was completed and submitted in November.  The Office of Charter Schools conducted a virtual site visit on April 22 of the school and interviewed parents, staff, and board members as part of the renewal process.  The feedback from the renewal visit is attached.  Thank you for your time and support during this process.


Parent Council News

Here's the  PC meeting recording from May 17, 2024 and PC Meeting Minutes 5/17/24 

  • PC Roles for 24/25- Welcome to our new members of the Parent Council board:
    • co- secretary
      • Maria McGuire
    • Social media coordinators
      •  Katherine White
    • Parent Rep Coordinator South
      •  Amanda Gengler
    • Teacher Appreciation South
      • Jill Lane
    • Teacher Appreciation North 
      • Cinda Coe & Amy Wright - co-coordinators
    • Event Coordinator
      •  Erin Sorensen & Metta Sama- Co-Coordinators


We need your help to make Field Day tons of fun!  Here's the North sign up for class stations. Here’s the South sign up for class stations.  Please email Amanda Davis (North) or Ashley Price (South) if you have any questions. 


ABS 8th Grade Graduation

Let’s celebrate our 8th graders! Graduation is scheduled for Monday, June 3 at 12 noon in the ABS Alex Ewing Theater. Seating is limited to 4 tickets per graduate. Thanks to MIXXER for allowing the use of their parking lot for overflowing parking during our graduation ceremony.

End of Year Checklist

  • Pick up medications from the front office.
  • Be sure all fees and lunch balances are paid. (Reach out to Ms. Garner to check your balance.)
  • Let us know if you will not be returning to ABS next year. If your child is transferring to another school, please let us know where to send your child’s records by emailing Director Hollis [email protected]
  • Tuesday, June 4th is the last day of school, with early dismissal. K-4 dismisses at 11:45. 5-8 dismisses at 12pm.

Around Town…

UNCSA presents Sleeping Beauty

You are invited to enjoy a family-friendly informal studio presentation of Sleeping Beauty Act III: Aurora’s Wedding.


Reservation Link

Pay-What-You-Can Donation to UNCSA Preparatory Dance Financial Aid and Scholarship Fund


Ways to get involved and learn more about ABS:
