ABS Thursday Notes- May 16, 2024

Published for the Arts Based School Community

May 16, 2024

Friday, May 24- Early Dismissal-Conference Preparation

  • K-4 Dismiss at 11:45
  • 5-8 Dismiss at 12 noon

Monday, May 27- No School-Memorial Day


How We Do It and Why

By Mary Siebert


“Film is incredibly democratic and accessible, it’s probably the best option if you actually want to change the world, and not just re-decorate it.” – Banksy


The other day, I dropped in on Mr. Brown’s drama class with a group of visiting adults, as Ms. DeJarnette’s students were working on a film project. I asked a random student: “What was the year that Mansa Musa made his hajj to Mecca?” The student glanced up for a moment and then answered: “1324!” (Could you do that? Did you already know that Mansa Musa is still the wealthiest person in human history? Or that he turned Timbuktu into a center of learning, famous for its schools and libraries?)


The NC Standard Course of Study requires 6th graders to develop an understanding of the emergence, expansion, and decline of civilizations from the Paleolithic Era to 1400 CE. They are expected to understand key factors that shaped the development of civilizations, with a conscious effort being made to include an integrated study of various societies and regions from every continent.


This is a dramatically broad swath of time and events for 11-year-olds to digest in a few short months. The grand scope suggests the art of filmmaking. Through years of developing our 6th grade film project, we find that the prospect of performing in their own short films is a great motivator for kids’ research. In a 2016 “Nation's Report Card” video featuring ABS, an 8th grader reported that this project inspired and transformed the way he approached research; an influence that has stuck with him.


After deep research on Genghis Khan, Joan of Arc, and Mansa Musa, each class shared what they thought were the most critical details from their assigned leader’s story. This week they are recording these facts by visiting the professional recording studio Ovation Sound, where they sing lyrics set to upbeat classic American musical theater songs. 


Mr. Brown is working with the students to film the three numbers, inspired by students' storyboards and ideas for shots. Kids learn first-hand that sound recording and movie making are demanding, fun, time-consuming, and require a lot of “hurry up and wait.” On campus, we see the Great Golden Hordes of Genghis Khan, outfitted in furs, helmets, and plastic weaponry, battling in the nooks and crannies of our campus. On another day, pilgrims accompanying Mansa Musa, King of the Malian Empire, on his way to Mecca. They dance joyfully through the desert scattering gold to the peasants and inadvertently crashing the economy of Egypt in the process. And Joan of Arc, surrounded by her soldiers and inspired by a vision, leads the French to victory in the Battle of Orleans.


Ideas and problem-solving and laughter abound. Teachers remind students that this is a “No Complaining” zone. Yes, you get too hot, too bored, too impatient. Welcome to the movies. But each time they shoot the moment again, students are reviewing those same facts. Over and over, they sing:


“Come on, join us in thirteen twenty-four.

 We are walking four thousand miles or more

 It’s Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage, a famous episode

 And he’s sharing a mountain of gold.

End of Grade Testing (EOG)

   It’s that time of year again. The flowers are blooming, the days are longer, and the tests are coming! ABS students in grades 3-8 will be taking the North Carolina End-of-Grade tests during the last ten days of school. 

   The North Carolina End-of-Grade Tests are designed to measure student performance on the goals, objectives, and grade-level competencies specified in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. The End-of-Grade tests in reading comprehension and mathematics are administered to students in grades 3-8 as part of the statewide assessment program. End-of-grade tests in science are administered in grades 5 and 8. 

Parents, please help your child do his or her best by following these guidelines:

  • Help your child get 9 hours sleep throughout the weekend and each night before the test.
  • Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast, including more proteins and fewer carbohydrates.
  • BE ON TIME to school. Rushing around creates anxiety. Latecomers must take a make-up test.
  • Exercise. No couch potatoes, video games, or on-line junkies the week before.  Go outside and run and play. You will rest better, think better, and feel better.
  • Help them arrive at school with a positive attitude.

Testing Schedule 

May 21 EOG Reading 3rd-4th

May 22 EOG Math 3rd-4th

May 23 EOG Science 5th, 8th

May 24 No Test- Early Dismissal for conference prep

May 27 No School Memorial Day

May 28 EOG Reading 5th -8th grades

May 29 EOG Math 5th -8th grades, Math I EOC

May 30 EOG Reading Make Up Tests & RtA-3rd 

May 31  EOG/EOC Math Make Up Tests

June 3 EOG Science Make Up Tests


EOG results will be shared with parents at the third trimester conferences- June 5-7.


Teacher Appreciation Week at ABS!

Thanks to all of you for making our week so special!  Each day a sweet surprise, you really brightened our days!  THANK YOU!


The Mary Siebert Legacy Fund

To honor Mary Siebert’s outstanding legacy, her friends are collecting gifts large and small to ensure that Mary’s influence will be felt for years to come in the place where she dedicated so much of herself. All gifts made to the Mary Siebert Legacy Fund will support the resident artist program that bring learning to life at ABS. For more details and to make a gift, please visit this page. 

Conference Time is Coming

Soon your child’s teacher will be setting up conferences to discuss your child’s progress. Students attending the Arts Based School are assessed using a portfolio system in place of the traditionaland narrative. The portfolio is designed to illustrate a student’s academic growth and successes as well as guide the teacher in planning appropriate instruction. Teachers use observation, interviews, analysis of student work and performance tasks to assess student understanding. Examples of student work, as well as other objective standards of assessments are incorporated into the student’s portfolio to give an enhanced portrait of the student’s progress. These portfolios will be discussed and presented to parents during the Student-Teacher-Parent conferences. Please be sure you schedule and attend your conference so that you can support your child’s learning. Final conferences are schedule June 5-7. Student narratives, EOG results, and mClass results will be shared at final conferences.


Parent Council News

Please join us for the final PC meeting on Friday 5/17 at 830am in MLK cafe. Here's the link to join virtually.


Open Parent Council Board positions for the 24-25 school year include:

Teacher Appreciation/Hospitality Co-Coordinator- North (2 open positions)

Teacher Appreciation/Hospitality Coordinator-South 

Social Media Coordinator

Secretary Co-Coordinator

Event Coordinator/s 


This is such a great way to be involved, help support our school and make improvements. Please reach out to Stephanie Smith or Katy Whiteheart with questions or nominations. Voting will occur at the May PC meeting. 


We need your help to make Field Day tons of fun!  Here's the North sign up for class stations. Here’s the South sign up for class stations.  Please email Amanda Davis (North) or Ashley Price (South) if you have any questions. 


ABS 8th Grade Graduation

Let’s celebrate our 8th graders! Graduation is scheduled for Monday, June 3 at 12 noon in the ABS Alex Ewing Theater. Seating is limited to 4 tickets per graduate. Thanks to MIXXER for allowing the use of their parking lot for overflowing parking during graduation ceremony.

End of Year Checklist

  • Pick up medications from the front office.
  • Be sure all fees and lunch balances are paid. (Reach out to Ms. Garner to check your balance.)
  • Let us know if you will not be returning to ABS next year. If your child is transferring to another school, please let us know where to send your child’s records by emailing Principal Hollis [email protected]
  • Tuesday, June 4th is the last day of school, with early dismissal. K-4 dismisses at 11:45. 5-8 dismisses at 12pm.

UNCSA presents Sleeping Beauty

You are invited to enjoy a family-friendly informal studio presentation of Sleeping Beauty Act III: Aurora’s Wedding.


Reservation Link

Pay-What-You-Can Donation to UNCSA Preparatory Dance Financial Aid and Scholarship Fund


Ways to get involved and learn more about ABS:

