Published for the Arts Based School Community
May 13, 2021
How We Do It and Why
By Mary Siebert
“I know that this is an important part of history, and in the future, I think if we survive this, we can survive anything.” - Jolie Paige Steele, ABS 4th Grade
Diana Greene is a freelance artist and documentarian who has taught her original curriculum to ABS students for nearly two decades. As a visiting artist, she pairs high expectations with warm, individualized attention. She draws fresh ideas from students, helping them value their perspectives and encouraging them to follow their projects through to glistening completion. She has a beautiful eye for possibility, and teaches persistence in realizing it.
This year, she volunteered to design a remote, COVID-year project for 4th graders. She visited the classrooms virtually, offering the idea of capturing the strange and the familiar during the pandemic. She introduced students to the art of photography, and how it can pair adroitly with writing to describe a personal moment. She instructed students to think about how to use photography and writing to record places that were sacred to them during COVID, or places they never wanted to see again. “What is precious and good about this time; a surprise that you wouldn’t have had otherwise?” was one of the prompts to which the students responded, both by writing with words and by “writing with light.”
With assistance from a family member, students directed a self-portrait photo, in a setting that captured their experience during remote learning. They wrote a personal narrative describing the photo they selected and worked through multiple drafts with their teachers to edit the writing to a polish.
The project has grabbed the interest of Ms.Greene’s colleagues at Youth @ Six Feet, and some of the student work will be exhibited at the Durham Arts Council Gallery in a show in October.
With the 4th grade teachers, each student presents their work today in a virtual exhibition. You can view all of the student work by visiting the Family Portal on the ABS website.
End of Grade Testing
ABS students in grades 3-8 will be taking the North Carolina End-of-Grade tests May 17 - June 9. The testing window is three weeks this year to accommodate the additional sessions for Cohorts and bringing Remote Learners into the building to test. Testing dates are listed below and available on the school calendar. EOG results will be shared with parents at the third trimester conferences: June 10 and 11.
7th and 8th Grade Math Classes
Parents of rising 7th and 8th graders may be wondering about math classes for next year. All students are required to learn 7th grade math in 7th grade and 8th grade math in 8th grade. Most students will take these required classes as their only math instruction. Some students who have demonstrated advanced skills in math will be eligible for advanced math instruction in addition to the math they are required to learn for their grade level. We offer Math I for 7th graders and 8th graders who qualify, and Math II for 8th graders who qualify. Mrs. Raper will send letters home after school ends letting parents know their child's math placement.
Open positions for the 2021-22 School Year:
- Parent rep coordinator: coordinate training and communication with classroom representatives
- Technology coordinator (2): help with the school website and technology-related issues
- Secretary: take notes at meetings
We are also looking for volunteers interested in coordinating events for next year. In past years we have held a Fall Fest and Field Day which needs coordination and planning.
Curious? Interested? Please reach out to us!
Parent Council Meeting - Friday, May 14th at 12:00 PM
We invite all parents, caregivers, and learning coaches to join us for the parent council meeting this Friday, May 14th. Here is a link to the agenda There are great opportunities to get more involved in the parent council as a board member. Opportunities will be discussed at the meeting, or feel free to reach out for more information!
Evening Parent Council Meeting Coming Up
We have had requests to hold meetings at alternative times, so we will try this out later in the month. Stay tuned for date/ time.
Last Call for T-Shirts!
We will be placing one final round of orders for t-shirts on Friday, May 21, and will distribute them before the end of the school year. If you’d like to have yours for the summer months, you can order here: A portion of every sale supports the ABS annual fund. T-shirts are high-quality cotton and are printed locally. If you have any questions or need help, please contact Leah Lavin: [email protected].
Thank you, ABS Families
This year has been challenging in many ways, but all of us at ABS are tremendously grateful to our ABS families. You have moved with us through extremely trying circumstances, and we are buoyed by your support and grace. We know that the demands of remote learning stretched many families far beyond the bounds of your normal rhythms. We know that many of you are balancing the needs of multiple children, multiple jobs, and multiple calls for your care and attention. We are in awe of the strength and resilience of this community, and we hope that you know and feel how much we appreciate you. Thank you!
Courtyard Construction!
This week in the 7th street courtyard, the conduit for electrical and data has been added, the inspector came yesterday, and we anticipate sheetrock to begin going up today! Many, many thanks to the small group of ABS families and board members who are making this new learning, gathering, and music-making space possible for us! Please consider participating in the effort by making a one-time gift to help us complete the courtyard construction by the end of the school year! If you have any questions, or if you are interested in designating a larger gift to a particular need, please reach out to Leah Lavin: [email protected].