ABS Thursday Notes- May 6, 2021


Published for the Arts Based School Community

May 6, 2021


How We Do It and Why

By Mary Siebert


“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” - Nelson Mandela 


Well, it is done. And it did seem impossible. Kindergarten’s Peter and the Wolf is fun to watch, full of lighthearted little moments and many adorable children. Translating a live experience to a virtual one is full of challenges in any case. And filmmaking is notoriously slow and painstaking. Throw into the pot though, that the filmmaker can’t actually be present for any of the filming. That is done in sixty different far-flung homes, with sixty different 5-and-6-year-olds as actors, using 60 different phones for sixty parents to shoot video.


Jordan Brown, the film maker (and our 5th-8th grade drama teacher) labored for months to figure out how to gather these little floating slips of activity into one story. It’s a group storytelling, where everyone in the group  is completely separated. Some of the images arrived blurry, or the student wasn’t interested that day. Some of them didn’t arrive at all, and parents were called and coached through the process. He had to sort and sort and sort through those mini moments, to make sure that every child was represented, and then look for ways to create some sort of playful continuity. 


Mr. Brown was not trained to do this, he’s an actor. He has worked on films and TV, but he is self-taught, when it comes to herding bits of Zoomy moments into one story, combining new video editing software, animation, and sound editing. He learned to do it because we all needed him to, just like all of the parents who were not trained to be teaching assistants, and just like all of the teachers who didn’t expect to teach with no students in the room.


Also incorporated was video of our "big dancers" who volunteered to assist as leaders for the "little dancers." Their parents also filmed them with cell phones, and these were sent to Mr. Brown, to add into the mix. 


Thank you Mr. Brown, and dance teacher/director Ms. Adams, for accomplishing the impossible.


Please visit the ABS website Family Portal, to find the link and the password to Kindergarten’s Peter and the Wolf.


p.s. You'll see the big dancers’ names in the credits, but here they are, up front. Thank you, big dancers!


WOLF - Jackson Calhoun, ABS graduate, professional dancer

PETER - Julian Pecoraro, ABS graduate, UNCSA high school ballet program

CAT - Lillian Lawrence, ABS 8th grade

GRANDPARENT - Parker Rauschenberg, ABS 8th grade

HUNTER - Nick Kelley, ABS 8th grade

DUCK - Austin Pitassi, ABS 8th grade

BIRD - Sophia Pisapia, ABS 8th grade

End of Grade Testing

ABS students in grades 3-8 will be taking the North Carolina End-of-Grade tests May 17 - June 9. The testing window is three weeks this year to accommodate the additional sessions for Cohorts and bringing Remote Learners into the building to test. Testing dates are listed below and available on the school calendar. EOG results will be shared with parents at the third trimester conferences: June 10 and 11.  Remote learners will receive more details about testing via email soon.

Testing Dates:

May 17: Science EOG Grades 5 & 8 Remote Learners

May 18: Science EOG Grade 8 T/Th Cohort

May 19: Science EOG Grade 5 and Grade 8 W/F Cohort

May 20: Science EOG Make Up Test

May 24: Reading EOG Grades 3-8 Remote Learners

May 25: Reading EOG Grade 3-4

May 26: Math EOG Grade 3-4

May 27: Reading EOG Grade 5 and Grades 7-8 T/Th Cohorts

May 28: Reading EOG Grade 6 and Grades 7-8 W/F Cohorts

June 1: Math EOG Grade 5 and Grades 7-8 T/Th Cohorts

June 2: Math EOG Grade 6 and Grades 7-8 W/F Cohorts

June 3: Math I EOC T/Th Cohorts

June 4: Math I EOC W/F Cohorts

June 4: Reading EOG Make Up Test

June 4: Read to Achieve Testing

June 7: Math EOG Grades 3-8 Remote Learners

June 7: Math I EOC Remote Learners

June 8: Math EOG Make Up Tests

Cell Phones and Testing

Just a reminder that cell phones and electronic devices are not permitted in any End-of-Grade or End-of-Course test session.  All cell phones or devices will be collected prior to each testing session.  Students may have a book or magazine, but they may not use any electronic devices.  Parents and students may choose to keep all electronic devices at home during testing to avoid any issues.

Teacher Appreciation Week at ABS!

Thanks to all of you for making our week so special!  From the heartfelt notes and signs in the car line to the daily sweet surprises, you really brightened our days!  THANK YOU!

ABS Summer Camps

Several of our summer camps are nearly full! If you're hoping to register your child(ren) for summer camp, don't wait! Register here today

All summer camps will run from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Monday through Friday at a cost of $220 per week per child. Drop off will begin at 8:50 AM. We will also offer an extended day option from 2:00 PM – 5:30 PM for parents who need full day care. 

Visit the Summer Camp page in the family portal section of our website for details, descriptions, and FAQs. 

Classroom Placement

Your child’s current classroom teacher will meet with the grade level team to create the class rosters for the next year. They use all that they know about your child’s academic, social, emotional, and behavioral qualities to determine which classroom is the best match. We do not accept parent requests regarding classroom placement.


If your child will not be returning to ABS for the 2021-22 school year, please email Stephanie LeFever with the name of the school your child will be attending so she can make sure your child’s school records are transferred successfully.

Courtyard Construction! 

This week, a beautiful new network of electrical outlets and ethernet ports has appeared in the music room, strung along the walls to provide power for a fleet of music tech production stations. Many, many thanks to the ABS families and board members who are making this new learning, gathering, and music-making space possible for us! If you are able, please consider participating in the effort by making a one-time gift to help us complete the courtyard construction by the end of the school year. If you have any questions, or if you are interested in designating a larger gift to a particular need, please reach out to Leah Lavin: [email protected]

ABS May Board Meeting

The ABS Board of Directors will convene the May Board meeting on May 11, 2021, at 5:45pm using a virtual meeting platform. Board meetings are open to the public. If you would like to view the meeting, please email Principal Hollis for the link.


8th Grade Graduation Meeting

We have scheduled a zoom meeting to talk through the plans, ideas, concerns, and solutions for the 8th-grade graduation ceremony.  We shared some details in last week’s Thursday Notes regarding the ceremony currently scheduled for the morning of June 10, 2021.  If you are interested in hearing more about these plans, please join us Friday, May 7 at noon in the ZOOM room.  It will also be recorded if you miss it.  If you need the link again, please email [email protected]


Around Town…


UNCSA offers a drama summer camp for rising 1st - 9th graders. See the flyer HERE.

NC Fusion offers a Field Hockey program for K-8 students. See the flyer HERE. Reach out to ABS teacher Nicole Londono with questions. [email protected]