The Arts Based School Home

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At The Arts Based School, our approach to teaching and childhood development is designed to support all children. We deliver a rigorous academic program, following the NC Standard Course of Study, integrated deeply with the arts: music, dance, visual art, and theater. Our curriculum is inherently interdisciplinary and project-based, with culminating experiences of exceptional depth and scope at every grade level. We believe that the arts are innately powerful forms of learning and self-expression for all children.

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ABS K-2nd Graders to Host Idina Menzel Featured Photo

ABS K-2nd Graders to Host Idina Menzel

We are delighted to announce that on September 23, Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd graders at ABS North and ABS South will have the chance to meet Tony award-winning actress Idina Menzel! (We can hardly believe it!!)
Arts Based School to Open Second Location Featured Photo

Arts Based School to Open Second Location

PRESS RELEASE - The public charter school, now in its 20th year of operations, adds a new location in Happy Hill to expand access to joyful learning through the arts.
6th Grade Band Featured Photo

6th Grade Band

This week, while Mrs. Hedgecock's class became better acquainted with clarinets, Mrs. Christian's class took on trumpets...

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